
Through our conferences, from one theme to another, we present various little known aspects of mankind's cultural richness.

Designed to be as instructive as entertaining, our conferences try to bring complex and original analyses in simple language. They are usually conducted with slides, sound samples or live music.

Some conferences :

Tibet, songs from exile

Philippines : women artists of Lake Sebu

Music in everyday life

Music together

Accordeon : stories of a travelling instrument

Some venues :

Quai Branly Museum :: Paris (France)
National Museum of Asian Arts - Guimet :: Paris (France)
Espace Senghor :: Bruxelles
University of the Philippines :: Manila
Alliance Française :: Paris (France)
Auberge Essava :: Chinguetti
Retired people's Home Croizat :: Saint Denis
North South Solidarity Week :: Anderlecht
Museum of Fine Arts :: Valenciennes